Alternativ og/eller supplement til børnevacciner
Den komplette guide til homøoprofylakse
Du har fravalgt vaccination og vil gerne bruge homøoprofylakse. Eller du vil gerne bruge en kombination. Eller du vil gerne lære mere om hvad det er, hvordan det bruges osv.
Få den komplette guide her og få svar på spørgsmål som: Hvad skal jeg give? Hvor meget og hvornår? Hvor kan jeg købe det?
Homøoprofylakse til troperejsen
Kits, homøoprofylakse og andre naturlige råd
Du har fravalgt vaccination og vil gerne bruge homøoprofylakse.
Få den komplette guide her (video og pdf-filer) og få svar på spørgsmål som: Hvad skal jeg give? Hvor meget og hvornår? Hvor kan jeg købe det?
Homøopati for jordemødre, doulaer og andre fødselshjælpere 2025
Online workshop med homøopat Mette Mitchell
Er du jordemor, doula eller behandler med særligt fokus på fødslen? Så skal du simpelthen lære at bruge homøopatien til dette arbejde. Ingen form for medicin eller behandling er mere skånsom, og fordi vi arbejder så direkte med kroppens egen vitalitet, så ser vi også hurtigt effekten af de veludskrevne midler.
12 Weekly Lessons about homeopathy
The perfect introduction to home prescriptions with homeopathy
Learn to use homeopathy yourself at home with homeopath Mette Mitchell BSc (hons), LCHE who already has brought homeopathy to more than 1000 families. Get all the introductions needed for maximum benefit of the online and app tools.
You are only one click away from your first successful homeopathic prescription.
The Homeopath's Personal 50 Remedy Essential Kit
Find all remedies in the app 'Homeopathyly'
Beautiful and practical 50 remedy kit.
Each remedy comes in a 2 gram bottle holding approx 35 doses each.
They are set in in a practical cardboard box and come with a brief description of each remedy including some dispensing information.
3 salts 200c. Aconite 200c. Apis 30c. Arg nit 30c. Arsenicum 30c. Narayani - mix 45 ‘Atomic radiation'. Belladonna 30c. Bryonia 30c. Calc carb 30c. Calendula 12X. Narayani - mix 6 ‘Calming’. Carbo veg 30c. Narayani - mix 7 ‘CB7’ (prolapse). Narayani - mix 71 ‘CCA’ (coughs). Chamomilla 30c. China 30c. Coffea 30c. Narayani - mix 16, ‘drawing’. Drosera 30c. Ferrum phos 200c. Gall stone combination. Gelsemium 200c. Haemorrhoids combination. Narayani - mix 85, throbbing headache. Hepar sulph 30c. Histamine 200c. Hypericum 30c. Ignatia 200c. Narayani - mix 20, ‘Injury mix’. Ipecac 30c. Kali carb 30c. Narayani - mix 21, ‘KBS’ (kidney, bladder, stones). KHP (kali bich. hydrastis, pulsatilla combination). Lachesis 30c. Leptin 6c. New Materia Medica: Lotus. Lycopodium 30c. Mag phos 30c. Mercurius 30c. Nux vomica 30c. Oscillococcinum 200c (anas barb). Passiflora 30c. Phosphorus 30c. Pulsatilla 200c. Saccarum off 200c. Sepia 30c. Silica 30c. Staphysagria 200c. Sulphur 30c. Narayani - mix 36, ‘Worms’.
The homeopath's first advice for glue ear
Get the homeopath's first advice and thoughts on how to drain ears with persistent mucus
Wabi-sabi: celebrate transformation
An introduction to the Japanese concept of 'wabi-sabi' or the philosophy of the beauty of imperfection, incomplete and the impermanet.
This is a lesson that will show you very clearly that you are not broken - you are merely transforming.
Why sleep should be worshipped
Every hero need to rest! When we rest we restore. We recover, replenish and rebuild in our sleep. And this is why sleep is so essential for everything else.
In this lesson your get introduced to how to worship sleep and all my best remedies to help you on your way.
Nine Star Ki: Understand all your relations
Nine Star Ki is a system of astrology that is very easy to understand yet profound in the insights offered. It gives us straightforward tools to understand ourselves and all of our relations. It shows us our strengths and weaknesses in a blunt and easy to understand way and at the same offers simple tools to build bridges in all our relationships.
In this lesson you get a thorough printable material covering the 9 numbers as well as podcasts that gentle takes you through.
About narcissism, gaslighting and homeopathic remedies
Narcissism and gaslighting has become hot topics of our time. We are waking up to these dynamics in relationships, families politics and work relations. But what does the words mean? And how do we even start to understand these topics?
This lecture gives you a no-fuss insight to these topics through straight up facts as well as the deeper insight homeopathic remedies give us.
About stress
Are you aware what is going on in your body when you are stressed? Did you know that stress and fear has the same effect on the body?
Enjoy an hour and a half of podcasts and 4 downloadable pdf files (more than 6000 words) and the usual BONUS material.