
CAD 0.00 (+ 25% moms)

Get a quick overview for easy reference about the most used homeopathic first aid remedies for FREE here. Areas covered in this practical flyer are: chok, head injuries, injuries to the teeth, wounds, nerves, strains, pains and bones.

Make sure you have this before you need it!

DKK 549.00 (including 25% moms)

Lær at bruge homøopatiske lægemidler til husbehov, som alternativ til almindelig håndkøbsmedicin.

Du er kun ét klik fra at være igang!

Over 9 timers optagelser. ALT er optaget på forhånd, så du kan se det, når det passer dig!

DKK 0.00 (+ 25% moms)

Hør mere om blikket på kroniske lidelser fra det homøopatiske perspektiv. Vi kommer omkring emner som 'omstændigheder der vedligeholder symptomerne' og 'undertrykte symptomer'. Det er ren homøopati-logik uden filter!

$110.00 (including 25% moms)

This course takes you through the craft of homeopath and presents to you a great way to navigate the remedies as well as teaching many valuable nuggets from the homeopath's office.

This course is suitable if you no experience with homeopathy, if you have some experience with homeopathy and also if you prescribe at home routinely and would like to go a little deeper as well as having all you best information collected in one place.

CAD 0.00 (+ 25% moms)

Get 36 homeopathic flashcards covering the most used remedies for minor and acute ailments in one practical .zip file to download and unpack. Make new album on your phone and transfer the pictures there and you are never without this practical information that is so beautifully illustrated by my daughter.

DKK 0.00 (+ 25% moms)

Få de 36 homøopatiske flashcards, der dækker de mest brugte midler til mindre og akutte lidelser i én praktisk .zip-fil, som passer til skærmen på din smartphone. Download .zip filen, pak det hele ud med et enkelt klik, og overfør til din telefon. Og du skal aldrig være foruden disse praktiske informationer igen. Samtidig med at de er så smukke at kigge på, med min datter datters allerfineste illustrationer.

$395.00 (including 25% moms)

The remedies in the Narayani system is made in such a way that they can be prescribed with only little information and in a short consultation so we in this way can prescribe even when time is limited. Furthermore, the system is described very precisely in readily available literature so that anyone can learn to prescribe these remedies with very good results after even a short introduction.

This course is the only introduction to the Narayani remedies you need.