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All my offerings
Your Daily Dose for 36 days: Get to know 36 homeopathic remedies over 36 days
Get one email every day for 36 days with the most essential information about 36 homeopathic remedies. Each day a new remedy.
Spend 10-15 minutes every day for 36 days with the easy notes and short podcast and you will soon be more than familiar with the most used remedies for home prescriptions.
Root Cause Dieting: Homeopathic self care and weight loss - 16 weeks
The ultimate investment in you!
I offer you a both radical and gentle weight loss programs based around fasting and homeopathy. I will give you homeopathic remedies to deal with your cravings. This is your way out! For good. This is not a quick fix. This is not a system you have to follow alone. This is real support and a real understanding for your deeper issues that sets up up for life.
Homeopathy training for midwives, doulas and other professional birth helpers
The material is easy to implement into your practice as soon as you have the remedies at hand there is also plenty of material to develop your practice through for the time to come.
This is for anyone who is serious about implementing homeopathy into their midwife, doula and other practices with a focus on pregnancy, birth and aftercare.
12 Weekly Lessons about homeopathy
The perfect introduction to home prescriptions with homeopathy
Learn to use homeopathy yourself at home with homeopath Mette Mitchell BSc (hons), LCHE who already has brought homeopathy to more than 1000 families. Get all the introductions needed for maximum benefit of the online and app tools.
You are only one click away from your first successful homeopathic prescription.
Tissue salts support your body in assimilating and excreting. Dr. Schuessler developed the 12 tissue salts to support the cells in their work. With the 12 tissue salts you can mix and match whatever suits your needs to combat disease and sustain health.
Talk to me for FREE
Did you know that you can talk to me for FREE?
Book yourself into my calendar for a FREE 10 minute Zoom call here.
This call is for you if:
- You are my patient and have questions about your current treatment
- You are not my patient and would like to find out if homeopathy can help you or a loved one
- You have questions about my courses and products
Book a single consultation
ONLINE ONLY - Price: US$149/ CA$198/ €135/ £119
We meet for an hour and talk about the whatever you would like to talk about and I will give you the homeopathic perspective and a prescription for your needs.
It may be that you want to talk about pregnancy, vaccination, medicine, an upcoming operation, examination or what is urgent and important to you.
Consider 'Subscription to homeopathic consultations' if you look for treatment for a chronic ailment. Read more about that HERE.
Read Dana Ullmann's brilliant article 'A Condensed History of Homeopathy'.
I talk a lot about this article on my Instagram. It is one of the most brilliant articles summing up so perfectly the history of homeopathy. It should be made into a thriller one day!
Strong, lightweight and compact the kit contains 36 remedies covering a wide rage of common ailments and minor injuries for all the family.
Remedies: Aconite, Ant tart, Apis, Arg-nit, Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calc carb, Calendula, Cantharis, Carbo veg, Chamomilla, China, Drosera, Gelsemium, Hepar sulph, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ipecac, Kali bich, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mag phos, Mercurius, Natrum mur, Nux vom, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Ruta, Sepia, Silica, Staphisagria, Sulphur.
The remedies are contained in small glass bottles holding approximately 35 doses in lactose free, organic sucrose pill form. They are all in the 30c potency and refills are available. Kit size 140 x 105 x 40mm. A proportion from the sale of the kit is given to support homeopathic projects and charities.